WHAM is working to increase awareness of and accelerate funding for women’s health research to transform women’s lives and impact the economy.

WHAM was created in response to the considerable funding gap, historical exclusion, and underrepresentation of women in health research.

Women have been an understudied species since 1993. Many inequities and biases still exist. While some progress has been made since 1993, when the National Institutes of Health mandated that women and minorities be included in any government-funded health research, there’s still a long way to go. And it wasn’t until 2016 that female mice were mandated by NIH to be included in clinical research.

How is it possible that 52% of the population has been left so far behind in medical research?

In 2020, WHAM was founded by Carolee Lee, who convened a group of businesswomen motivated to create an innovative dialogue and establish data that could impact this situation. And how could we continue to make decisions based on information that excludes half of our workforce, 2/3 of our wealth holders, nearly all of our spenders, and those who make majority of healthcare decisions?

It became apparent to us that we lacked evidence; we lacked data about the economic costs, benefits, and social impacts of attention to sex and gender in health research. And in our experience, change starts with data. In order to create change, we commissioned the RAND Corporation in January 2020 to begin a rigorous, focused study to quantify the costs and socioeconomic benefits of increased research funding focused on women.

WHAM, Women’s Health Access Matters, was registered as a 501c3 in January 2021 to catalyze accelerated research and investment in women’s health research.

WHAM is focused on creating four platforms of expertise:

The WHAM Report

A series of studies that quantify the costs and economic benefits of increasing investments in women’s health research. Our intention was to build the business case for funding research focused on women by asking, “what are the economic impacts of increasing investment in women’s health research.”

The WHAM Investigator’s Fund

Providing early-stage research grants to cutting-edge scientists focused on understanding the role of sex and gender in women’s health outcomes.

The WHAM Research Collaborative

Brings together and empowers researchers, clinicians, and luminaries from leading institutions focused on women’s health research who help guide many of the decisions WHAM makes and are all working to advance sex and gender-based research.

The WHAM Investment Collaborative

Bringing together global investment leaders from VC, corporate VC, family offices, endowments, foundations, and government, similar to the WHAM Research Collaborative, to be the industry leading catalyst enabling us to achieve, and surpass, our goal to double VC investment for women.

WHAM is committed to making an impact in diseases and conditions that exclusively, differently, or disproportionately affect women.

WHAM started with a focus on four primary disease verticals:

Autoimmune Disease

Brain Health


Heart Health

WHAM is bringing new awareness, voices, resources, and partners to drive change by working with leading, economists, scientists, research institutions, business leaders, and public health experts.

The lives of women and men will vastly improve through research that is equally inclusive of women and men in trials – and female and male animals in preliminary research. By conducting research in parity and reporting gender outcomes separately, health breakthroughs will be accelerated, and health outcomes around the world improved.

As women benefit from this research and reduce their burden of disease, they will improve their own wellbeing, which is directly connected to the wellbeing of our economy.


WHAM is dedicated to funding women’s health research and investment to transform women’s lives.


WHAM was created in response to the considerable funding gap, historical exclusion, and underrepresentation of women in health research.


Marianne Foss-Skiftesvik
Chief of Staff & Strategic Partnerships

19 East Elm St
Greenwich CT 06830



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