POSTED ON February 8, 2022 BY WHAM

La Jolla Light: La Jolla Institute for Immunology CEO is named to WHAM Collaborative

Erica Ollman Saphire, president and chief executive of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, is one of seven women nationwide announced as new members of the Women’s Health Access Matters Collaborative.

WHAM is a nonprofit that works to increase awareness of and accelerate funding for women’s health research. Collaborative members work to identify and prioritize key questions for women’s health research, develop studies, collaborate on research and generate interest in the research community to focus on women’s health.

For more information, visit

WHAM is dedicated to funding women’s health research and investment to transform women’s lives.


WHAM was created in response to the considerable funding gap, historical exclusion, and underrepresentation of women in health research.


Marianne Foss-Skiftesvik
Chief of Staff & Strategic Partnerships

19 East Elm St
Greenwich CT 06830



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